2022 NABA Champions
Order Instructions:
Click “place your order” next to the award you wish to order.
If you select an upgrade that requires payment, you will be redirected to a payment form after submitting your order. For custom ring orders, SMi Awards will contact you for payment.
All orders must be submitted by December 15, 2022. NABA will then verify the order to rosters and any additional upgrades and monies owed. Team order will be processed once all team members have submitted and paid for their award. Please allow 12-16 weeks for delivery of team order, which will be shipped to team manager.
For questions about your award options, call SMi Awards at 1-800-326-8463 or email to: info@smiawards.com
Player/ Award
Pedro Barrios
Bisner Camacho
Alejandro Cardinale
Rommy Cartaya
Pedro Castaldo
David Chirinos
Jose Cirollo
Juan Diego Orozco
Francis Florentine
Carlos Gallardo
Robert Gonzales
Javier Guzman
Alexis Marquez
Mark Martin
Johann Monrroy
Denni Morales
Ricardo Morales
Arnaldo Muonz
Ronny Orta
Robert Paloncia
Luis Ravelo
Gabriel Tenia
Edgar Tovar
Jose Zerpa